Carbon Guard 12 ounce. Genuine OMC. OMC Evinrude Johnson 12 oz. P/N 775629
Evinrude BRP List Price (2009) $ 17.70 Our DISCOUNT PRICE CALL!
A gasoline additive formulated to minimize carbon deposit build-up. Reduces possibility of piston ring sticking and carbon build-up, better overall engine performance, increases engine life.
Per OMC BRP Bombardier (Evinrude - Johnson) recommendations: Add Carbon Guard to the fuel tank each time you add gasoline. For 2 cycle and direct injection engines add 1 ounce of carb guard for every 8 gallons of gasoline. For 4 Stroke engines add 1 ounce of Carbon Guard for every 16 gallons of gasoline.
It is recommended that oil be changed on 4 stroke engines after one application of Carbon Guard.
For more information, technical help, or bulk orders, please call The Outboard Wizard at 631-991-4491.
Don't forget to use 2+4 fuel conditioner in your fuel tank - Both products will help protect your engine from the damage the new ethanol fuel blends at the gas pumps will cause. More Information.
Fuel System Maintenance Products.