ALUMINUM Prop Chart - Prop Applications Page 1.
Choose an OMC BRP Aluminum Evinrude and Johnson Propeller.
VIEW ALUMINUM PROPELLER CHART Updated 2007/08: http://www.evinrude-parts.com/aluminum_propeller_evinrude_brp.html CHART BELOW includes BRP OMC Evinrude/Johnson/ETec Outboard Aluminum Propellers for the following engines: 40 thru 50 HP - 2 Cyl - 2 Cycle Only, 40 thru 50 HP - 4 Stroke, SX Cobra, V-6 130 - 300 HP. V-4 60 thru 115 HP - 3 Cyl & V-4. See Page 2.
Evinrude Johnson ETEC...Props available include: RAKER, REBEL, RENEGADE BASS, RENEGADE OFFSHORE, SRX, SST, SST II, VIPER, CYCLONE, ROGUE (4 blade large gearcase V4). Click to View BRP OMC Marine Engine Propeller List: View All Type and Size OMC BRP Propellers Available. Ordering Options: Online: Click on product links. Phone: (631) 991-4491. Email: evinrudeparts@yahoo.com BRP ETec OMC Boat Propeller List Chart:
40 thru 50 HP - 2 Cyl - 2 Cycle Only.
- BRP Part Number # 763488 (Supercedes part numbers 177152 and 386907) -- 13" x 11"--High Thrust Hydrus Prop Pontoon and Work Boat.
- # 763461 (386909, 177153) --
--- # 778774 (177154,176421)--12.25" x 15"--
- # 763462 (176422, 177155)--11.75" x 17"--
- # 176423--11.5" x 19" Obsolete: Call to check availability.--
- # 391014--11.25" x 21" Obsolete part.--
40 thru 50 HP - 4 Stroke - # 5031621--11.5" x 9"--
- # 5031622--11.5" x 10"--(Same as P/N #778606)
- # 5031623--11.5" x 11"--(Same as P/N #778607)
- # 5031624--11.6" x 12"--(Same as P/N #778608)
- # 5031619--11.5" x 13"--(Same as P/N #778609)
- # 5031620--11.6" x 14"--(Same as P/N #778610)
- # 5031627--11.25" x 15"--
- # 5031628--11-1/8" x 16"--
SX Cobra and V-6
- # 177141--15.5" x 13"--Same as P/N # 391536 and #177132).
- # 763315 (177142)--15.5" x 15"--
- # 763316 (177143, 763467, 177134)--15" x 17"--
- # 763468 (763317, 177144)--14.5" x 19"--(Same as P/N 391201
- # 763318 (177145)--14.25" x 21"--
- # 763319 (177146)--14.25" x 23"--
- # 763469 (391202)--14.5" x 21"--(Same as P/N #177136)
- # 391203--14-1/2" x 23"--
60 thru 115 HP - 3 Cyl & V-4 - 60-70 HP 4 Stroke - 40-90 HP E-TEC. Aluminum Prop Chart - Prop Applications - See Page 2.
OMC BRP PROPELLERS AVAILABLE ONLINE Call or email to order props not available online. Evinrude Johnson E-Tec Mercury More. (Part number update in progress 0308).
Propeller Product Categories:
V4 - V6 - V8 and Small Engines Below 50 HP..
BRP OMC ETec Propeller Lists 2008:
View All Type (Stainless steel, aluminum, etc.) and Sizes 2 stroke, 4 stroke, V4, V6, V8, etc. Boat Propellers Available. Includes Aluminum/SST/SST II/Rebel/Rogue/Raker/Renegade Bass/Viper/Cyclone/SRX.
Call/Email for part numbers not listed on website: 631-991-4491 Request Parts & Price Quote NOW.
V-4 Propellers: 60-140 HP
Genuine Evinrude Johnson ETec OMC BRP - Boat Propellers.
Aluminum, Stainless Steel, SST, SST II, Renegade Bass, Renegade Offshore, Cyclone, Viper, Hydrus, Raker, Rogue and Rebel Prop.
V-6 and V-8 Propellers: 150-300 HP
Propellers OMC BRP Evinrude, Johnson, E-Tec and all other Bombardier engines. V-6 , V-8, and V-4 with V-6 Gearcase Propellers. 150-300 HP